Sunday, September 19, 2010

[Kundalini Yoga] Re: the limitations of science


Denise, this will certainly be the beginning a long discussion, thank you for bringing it up! Your conundrum sounds like a negative mind/positive mind/neutral mind dilemma to me. As such, there are KY meditations and kriyas to strengthen and balance the three.

I regret to hear such a negative attitude about our country, although it is surprisingly common amongst new-agers. (I fully expect a lot of very negative replies for daring to say this.) These scientific advances applied to warfare are an unfortunate aspect of man's nature, but our defense is a very compelling need! The only reason you have the luxury of bad feelings about us is that we have prevailed against tyrannical regimes, up until now. Hitler was only a piker responsible for about 45 million deaths compared to Stalin at about 100 million deaths of his own people. And we're bad??? Not perfect, still evolving, hopefully, but humanity's best chance for freedom and evolution. We were even close to a true meritocracy until this recent financial turmoil.

In this beautiful land, we are free to wear a white turban, or not, and that today specifically means free from bhurkas, stoning for looking at a man, and the rest of the shariah package. That is the nature of our current threat, move forward or go back to the dark ages of the 7th century where you must go into hiding if you draw a cartoon somebody doesn't like. Does anybody here want to wave a white flag?

It's your life, and if you absolutely don't want to apply yourself to anything that could be weapons related, so be it! A wonderful characteristic of our free, open society is mobility and the opportunity to create your own life. Yes, we do, look at Guru Rattana as prime example number one, she has devoted her life to spreading KY instead of all the other things she could have done, that would have been impossible .

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