Sunday, December 20, 2009

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] What Krishnamurti says about Meditation. What's your opinion?


Sat Nam Pablo
Very simply put, we all confuse prayer and active contemplation with meditation.  I'm sure you have heard people say, "I am going to meditate on it", or "I'll meditate to find the solution to this problem", or more commonly, "I'll pray on it".  You see, meditation is none of the above.  Yogi Bhajan said it clearly, when we pray we talk to God, when we meditate, God talks to us.  Meditation is surrendering your self so your Soul can manifest through you, so the soul can get to your objective mind. 
Confusion comes when we are trying to learn to meditate. Here action may be needed until the mind is put into its original purpose, to serve our Soul.  The Aquarian Teacher Manual states "Meditation is the process of controlling and transcending the waves of the mind, allowing the flow of radiance from the soul".  Please be aware that until the flow of radiance from the soul emanates, and as long as we try to meditate, we are not meditating.  We are just in the "process".  Then, we reach Simran, the continuous experience, meditative, of the mind.
This is what JD Krishnamurti used to say that in meditation there can not be a thinker.  To meditate, the thought must come to an end.  The basis for this is explained in Yogi Bhajan's teachings on the Mind where all thoughts will get cloaked by 81 facets.  Basically, once we have mastered that, meditation will follow.
Or, use of of Kundalini Yoga meditation techniques that use this process to elevate us to a frequency level where meditation happens.
In summary, JD Krishnamurti and Yogi Bhajan complement each other when it comes to the topic of meditation.  At least from my perspective.
I usually tell students that they should not try to meditate, but just meditate.  Don't try to see God, see God.  Don't look for God, experience God. 
It is in the surrendering, either with a mantra, pranayam, asanas, that we'll find ourselves carried by the Shabd Guru into the Naad.
Sat Nam
Adi Singh

--- On Fri, 12/18/09, pablo_kunda <> wrote:

From: pablo_kunda <>
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] What Krishnamurti says about Meditation. What's your opinion?
Date: Friday, December 18, 2009, 8:21 PM


Sat Nam everybody,

I would like to know your opinion about the chat of this video. com/watch? v=OarXHYc_ ciU&NR=1

Krishnamurti says basically: There is no meditation if we try to meditate. We just have to be in attention, not trying of something. I know he had an Antimethod way of thinking about illumination. Kundalini Yoga is very clear a method. So is contradiction betweek Krishnamurti and Kundalini Yoga. Right?

- Would be interesting also to have your opinion if you are an experienced meditator or KY practicant.

-Anybody knows the opinion of Jogui Bhajan about Krishnamurti way of thinking?

ps: I meditate every day just sitting down since 2 years and now practicing KY too since 3 months.


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