Tuesday, December 22, 2009

[Kundalini Yoga] Correctly


Sat Nam , The cobra is a type of yogi push up. Think of your sheep skin as the beach and as you go forward from child pose let your nose hover over the sheep skin then as you come up into cobra think of yourslf as a wave crashing against a sea wall then as you go back to child see yourself as the wave receeding  back to the sea. Get into the flow and yes straighten the arms to full extension . If you do not grip you butocks in cobra but allow them to relax and let the tail bone fall freely towards the pubic bone then you will not hurt your lower back. Also plant the hands on the floor and before you lift up draw the shoulder back towards the buttocks so that the chest can extend through the gateway of the shoulders thus allowing the coiling action of the spine to begin. In the criscross think of the navel center 3 fingers below the belly button connecting with the 4 lowest vertbrate. Think of a drop of golden liquid connecting and dripping form the
navel to the spine . Yes the lowe back should be on the floor and mulbandh should be engaged. Sat Nam Wahe Guru keep up

"The first sign of self love is when we put sadhana before everything else.The first sign of self hatred is when we put everything  else in front of sadhana." Siri Singh Sahib"

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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