Saturday, December 19, 2009

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Question about regenerative energy


Dear Cindy,

* Let's get clear -- what is your prayer -- to be successful at the meditation to sublimate sexual desires or to find a career that you love?

* Did someone tell you that if you lessen your sexual desires and your romantic life, you will be a success in physical reality? Humm. The problem is that if you close off your first 2 chakras you are really going to have a hard time manifesting. This does not mean that you have to have romantic life. Maybe it is a good idea to focus more on career than romance at this time.

* I could continue, but I think the question and answer could be leading you in the wrong direction. I strongly suggest doing the lessons on Taurus and manifestation in my Guru Rattana On-line streaming video classes. I explain some of the fundamentals of manifestation, magnetism and attraction.

* Here is a story that could encourage you to develop your psychic abilities. Many decades ago a young man came to Yogi Bhajan at Summer Solstice and said he wanted to be an astrologer. YB told him to do 200 readings at that Summer Solstice. He did so and became the well-known astrologer Alan Oken. His books are still widely used.

* How about givng 200 readings in the next couple of months and hone your skills. Jupiter enters Pisces January 17 giving a big boost to psychic attunement.

* Let us know. And pray that your gifts awaken. Trust your soul. There is a mission for everyone. Trust the universe to help you uncover yours!

* And here is the exercise. Do Chair pose. And then sit and feel the magnetic energy in and around your body.

Many blessings,

Guru Rattana :+)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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