Thursday, February 4, 2010

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] working on one side of the body only?


Sat Nam:
The easiest way to answer a student that seeks symmetry in a class is to tell him/her that to balance the imbalanced we must apply asymmetry with Pranayam, Asanas and Chant.   Otherwise, we will be sustaining the imbalance. 

Har is one aspect of God, the creative infinity, the unseen as it manifests.  Then we have Hari.
Depending on which side of the body we are working on we may be strengthening, balancing, flowing either Ida or Pingala which each will have a specific vibratory effect.  All our purposes focus on balancing both of them so that our creative energy may flow through the central channel, Shushmuna so that Kundalini may ascend.  Remember one side represents the movement forward towards regeneration, the heating energy of the Sun, while the other represents the mind-expanding energy of the moon, receptive, motherly.  Through pranic exercises and pranayam, as they flow through our Nadis we may obtain balance or simply activate their movement.  Working a specific side of the body does not imbalance the body but brings to balance an aspect that needs to be strengthened or needs to be flowing and awaken a Center.  Remember the adrenal glands represent the endocrine gland of survival, aligned in the Kundalini Yoga school with the Third Chakra, although
most other schools relate them with the First one.  In balancing the adrenals we need to slow them down in order to bring stress down.  This balance may also imply activating them so that more cortisone and hormones flow throw the body to revitalize survival energy.
Each Kriya has a specific function, target Center, and balancing point.  Symmetry, as we know it, may not necessarily apply to energy work, specially when we are working with the Nadis. 
Sat Nam
Hari Om Tat Sat (the unseen and the seen are both One).
Adi Singh
--- On Wed, 2/3/10, amysatprem <> wrote:

From: amysatprem <>
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] working on one side of the body only?
Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2010, 2:23 PM


I am hoping someone can answer my student's question.

We did a kriya focusing on the adrenals and kidneys for stress.

There was one exercise where we stretched out one hand while chanting "har, har, har" - but we did not switch to the other hand. The kriya says that it works on one side of the adrenals.

My student's specific question is: Why wouldn't we switch to the other hand to work on the other side of the adrenals?

Also, he asked, in general, there are some sets where we only work on one side of the body. Why is that?

Thanks for your answers. I find this group very helpful!

Sat nam,

Amy/Sat Prem

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