Dear Raj Kirin,
Sat Nam! I am very sorry to hear about your current life challenge of
losing your beloved dog. I loved my dog, who died prematurely, very much
* Below is a mantra to find lost things. I hope it will do the trick.
If your dog is able to be found, it will work. If not, something else
will transpire. Be aware of what that might be. And of course, let us know.
> I am calling to Ram Das for this miracle of her return. What else can
I do. I have been a devoted Kundalini yogi for 11 years my faith in the
yoga and meditations is very strong... I am loosing faith.
* if you lose faith in KY because you cannot find your dog then you have
not yet understood some of the major spiritual principles that one must
learn in life. We all lose loved ones - all of whom must return to the
Light. Release your attachment and attach yourself to the Infinite.
That is the best we mortals can do while we are here. And the lesson
that we must eventually learn. Might as well learn it now.
Many blessings,
Guru Rattana :+)
Mantra to Find Lost Things
Guru Amar Guru Siri Sat
Kala uga raja pata
Raj yog takata
Dian Guru Ram Das
Ardas payee amar das guru
Amar das guru ardas payee
Ram das guru
Ram das guru
Ram das guru
Sa chee sayee
It aligns our life in subtle ways with universal energies. It takes us
to a place beyond what we think our prayers are, yet it also answers our
prayers in the highest way.
Chant 3 or more times when you can't find something. Then pay attention.
Also chant to reveal what is yet unknown and to find your way.
This is a very interesting mediation. Chant for 11- 31 minutes for 40 or
more days.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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