Tuesday, November 22, 2011

[Kundalini Yoga] Migraine set ?? (attn: Guru Rattana)


Sat Nam Guru Rattana Souls,
I found this in the archives and been friends with Ranjit for years,
who did this treatment in 2002. She hasn't gotten another migraine in
all these years! I want to apply this treatment to others but need a bit
of clarity where Ranjit was a tad confused on the sequence. Anything
else you can offer would be gravy!

from the Archives........

Ranjit Kaur\<ranjitk@...> wrote:
Sat Naam,

This is what ultimately worked for me -- compliments of Gururattan Kaur
who learned it at a healing workshop with Yogi B. in the 70s (if I
remember correctly?) and for which I am eternally grateful!!!

I started suffering from Migraines in the summer of 1999, and for the
next few years, they became more frequent and more intense no matter
what methods I tried (acupuncture, yoga, etc.) even turning into the
"cluster" form of migraines which made me practically suicidal.

After doing this Kundalini yoga treatment in the Fall of 2002, I HAVE

Here are the directions as sent to me from Gururattan K:

"The person stands. Someone else beats with fists on the person's upper
thighs for 3 minutes. Hard. Then he beats on either side of the navel
center. Then he beats on the buttocks. ( I can't remember if that is the
order.) But I am pretty sure of the locations and beating with the fists.

For those suffering from migraines have someone do this when you are not
having a migraine. Although I do think I did this to someone while she
was having a migraine and it stopped."

Please try to find a Kundalini yogi to perform the treatment for you --
basically someone who can do 3 intense exercises in a row for 3 minutes
each! Also if they have a Martial Arts background, that is ideal because
they know how to hit you hard without injury. It is a rigorous event,
but well worth it!

Good luck to you and God bless

Sat Naam,
Ranjit Kaur

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