Have you ever done a Level 2 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course? I have done 4 out of the 5 offered and they have been really powerful in my life, my teaching and my practice. They give information and experience to expand your knowledge about Kundalini Yoga (and of course yourself) and expand your community. They are 6 day courses with lots of yoga, lots of discussion time with other people who love Kundalini Yoga like you do and a 90 day practice after the course to bring it home on all levels.
...Join me for the Mind and Meditation Course offered in Kansas City this Fall. There are lots of reasons to take this course and here are a few:
Mind and Meditation is one of the strongest courses of the 5 modules of Level 2 Teacher Training. It includes one day of just meditation, information about the way the mind works in and out of meditation and tools to be still, intuitive, meditative and creative in all areas of life.
Karta Purkh Singh and Sat Inder Kaur, who will be teaching the course are strong, Aquarian teacher trainers with a depth of knowledge and experience. They were some of Yogi Bhajan's original students and have dedicated their lives to the 3HO and Kundalini Yoga lifestyle.
Experience one of the few original ashrams established by Yogi Bhajan in 1972. The vibration in this space is powerful with the meditations, sadhanas, gurdwaras and yoga classes for 34 years. Live as ashram community for the duration of the course with daily group sadhana in the house, community meals everyday and opportunities for seva.
... This is a great opportunity to deepen your connections to others ... and grow new ... community friends and siblings on this path.
Because this course is in a self-contained ashram it is less expensive than other courses that need to rent out space and out of towners can stay in the ashram at a minimal cost.
GURU RATTANA ONLINE - NEW Ground-Breaking Streaming Video Subscription Service - learn with Guru Rattana in the privacy and comfort of your own home. More details from http://www.yogatech.com/grol.html
FREE ONLINE KUNDALINI YOGA LESSONS - http://www.kundaliniyoga.org/classes.html
FOLLOW GURU RATTANA ON TWITTER - http://twitter.com/gururattana
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