Dear Lu,
Thank you for your sincere questions.
Concerning woman's arcline between the nipples. This is broken by lack of self-love and wounds that compute that we are not loveable. Kirtan Kriya and other KY practices rebuild self love and open our hearts to ourselves.
They open us to the experience of Love that is not dependent upon a lover or anyone else paying attention to us. Our spiritual purpose is to experience this all-inclusive Love.
For instance, I have been hurt alot in the past by ex-lovers, but I have always learned about myself and grown as a woman from these experiences, how tough they might have been. It might be so that I have a hard time letting go, I always have some hope in my heart for some exes, even if we have an ocean between us, and even if several years have passed by. But cutting them out completely feels like cutting off a piece of myself. These few days of Kirtan Kriya have already removed the imprint of one recent man, since I now hardly think of him. But in a dream I met an old lover who didn't want to cut the emotional band between us. So my question is if not these emotional bands between men and women (and women and women!) still will fill a purpose in our life?
Yikees. Did I understand correctly? Emotional bonds between you and a partner are your purpose in life?
In any case, Yes, you will find a most loving and peaceful purpose in your life.
Love is never removed. Emotional commotional dependency is removed.I think I'm just trying to understand the "science" behind it: if it removes the love or just the sadness and longing related to the past relationships.
It is normal for beginners to have many questions. Write down all your questions, ask for answers, and put this list away. The practice of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation will awaken in you another way to find answers to your questions. You will receive answers from within. You will learn to listen within, instead of searching outside yourself. Through your own personal experience, you will graduate from thinking to consciousness, from trying to figure everything out to trusting your intuitive soul knowing.
When our dualistic, 'rational' mind is in charge, we want specific answers and explanations about how things work and why. We believe that answers to our questions will bring us peace. But our mind continues to generate more questions, and our inner confict is not attenuated. What we are really trying to find is a different relationship with our questions. What we really want is resolution and inner peace, which are available beyond duality in our neutral mind and in our heart.
The answers we receive may not be what we expect, but expectations are made up in our creative/positive mind and get in the way. The cleanest way to find answers is to be in 'discovery mode,' making ourselves available to listen, to receive, and to find guidance in whatever forms it appears. All the above become available as our awareness expands. So focus on your practice and awakening, be patient, and stay alert. The Universe and our soul speak to us in many interesting and unexpected ways.
You are on a very special journey. Keep us posted of your experience.
Guru Rattana :+)
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