Friday, October 15, 2010

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] getting out of bed early


Sat Nam Erin:

Our biggest problem is that we want to do too much. Have you heard some meditation instructors telling their students, "you have to force yourself to meditate"?  Once the mind is engaged, it becomes our biggest obstacle. But it is good. The mind is not an enemy. It is the vehicle for greater teachings. After all, it was given to us by God so that we could find our way home. Remember, we don't control our mind, we give it direction.

Don't fight it. If you can not get up, and it looks you have been trying hard enough, then do your yoga sets some other time during the day. Evening perhaps? Early afternoon? The important thing, for now, is that your self gets into the energy flow of Kundalini Yoga. I know plenty of people that wake up early, even go to group Sadhana, but then spend the whole two and half hours asleep.  You can drive the car or you can be driven.  But it is nice for you to drive, get to your destination, and know how you got there. You might even find that, when not forced, you can even add to your Kriya a full eleven or perhaps 31-minute meditation. Then the transformation will begin. Your Self will start drifting towards the Amrit Vela hours. Why? Because it is its natural State. It is the way of the soul. Before you know it, and it may take weeks or even months, you will be getting up at 3 or 4am, taking that nice cold shower, and hitting the sheep skin/mat as easy
as breathing. Once your glandular system is beginning to balance, through your daily yoga experiences, specially the pituitary/adrenal axis, your system will drive you towards the morning.

Remember, allow yourself to flow through the Shabd Guru into the Naad so that you can experience Nam. 

Adi Singh

--- On Thu, 10/14/10, erin thomas <> wrote:

From: erin thomas <>
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] getting out of bed early
Date: Thursday, October 14, 2010, 5:19 PM


Sat Nam All!

man, am i ever having a hard time getting up even an hour before going to

work to do yoga. anyone have any tips? or advice or good old fashioned


its ridiculous at this point. i set my alarm and dismiss it every morning

and have for the past two or three months maybe. its become a way for me to

beat myself up even. i start every day disappointed in myself for hitting

snooze but when the alarm goes off, i'm so tired and comfortable being

still. cant seem to resist.

any advice is welcome. tough love even. i don't know.

thanks all,

much love and peace to the group.


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