Monday, July 30, 2012

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Opening Chakra or Balancing Chakras


WOW! What great ideas! I will defiantly start listening to chants during the day and I will leave my Mp3 next to my bed and listen before I get up and before sleep - I do volunteer at the local nursing home and work w/animals but I see your point - I'll keep my eyes open to see where I can do more

Thank you for your thoughtful response
Infinite Blessing

--- In, "ramneetfl" <nrross1265@...> wrote:
> Hi Jaipreetgirl,
> Your sadhana is very beautiful. You are doing quite a lot and it must be gratifying to feel your RA improving. If you want to try more (and this is so easy to boot), just start playing mantra music softly in the background during the day and/or night. Yes, actively chanting is fantastic, but there's a lot to be said for letting it sink in while you're doing other things and you're not paying attention, too. It can be as simple as putting a favorite cd on repeat, or having Japji play as your wake-up alarm in the morning and spending a few delicious moments in bed listening to it, or you can get creative with mixes for something you want to work on (ra ma da sa sa say so hung and guru guru wahay guru are the healing classics. I rather like Ardas Bhahee). Nowadays you can download about 20 versions of one mantra!
> The other easy suggestion- open your heart, pray, and work for others. See what needs to be done and where you can help.

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Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Opening Chakra or Balancing Chakras


Hi Jaipreetgirl,
Your sadhana is very beautiful. You are doing quite a lot and it must be gratifying to feel your RA improving. If you want to try more (and this is so easy to boot), just start playing mantra music softly in the background during the day and/or night. Yes, actively chanting is fantastic, but there's a lot to be said for letting it sink in while you're doing other things and you're not paying attention, too. It can be as simple as putting a favorite cd on repeat, or having Japji play as your wake-up alarm in the morning and spending a few delicious moments in bed listening to it, or you can get creative with mixes for something you want to work on (ra ma da sa sa say so hung and guru guru wahay guru are the healing classics. I rather like Ardas Bhahee). Nowadays you can download about 20 versions of one mantra!
The other easy suggestion- open your heart, pray, and work for others. See what needs to be done and where you can help.

Recent Activity:
KUNDALINI YOGA is brought to you by Yoga Technology - Make your first stop for all your Kundalini Yoga reading, viewing and listening materials. Now with FREE US Shipping!

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Opening Chakra or Balancing Chakras


Thank you for your response - it makes sense to me - I will continue as I have been doing - Yes RA is Rheumatoid Arthritis (sorry) - and I will check out the books you suggest
A comment regarding "my dedication" It is easy for me - I no longer think about it I just do it - there are days that I can't get my monkey mind to SHUT UP! and I do hate that - but i figure it's all to the good and I feel armed even on the days I don't behave as I would consider to be 'enlightened' - I try to be accepting of myself and hope that my inner Guru will come through in the end - In the mean time KY has helped me sooo much - I'm wish I had found it earlier in my life. BTY I still have not started getting up at 4AM to do my practice - I'm having trouble sleeping at night - so my dedication falls short in that regard but I hope to get there too

Thanks again!

--- In, Guru Rattana <gururattan@...> wrote:
> Dear Marta,
> Sat Nam! Your routine and dedication is impressive.
> On 7/24/2012 2:42 PM, jaipreetgirl wrote:
> >
> > Sat Nam
> > I have been doing the 'Kriya for Balancing the Chakras & Corresponding
> > Organs' since March every day - August first is the end of another
> > forty days - before I continue another forty I have this question...
> >
> > Should I be doing a different kriya to unblock my chakras? Or will the
> > kriya I have been doing open and then balance my chakras?
> >
> *I take a different approach to chakras. I suggest feeling the
> different energies in each and cultivating the faculties of each. That
> is what is important. Open, balanced -- not sure what that really
> means. I suggest you get my book /the Inner Art of Love/ -/- Awakening
> Your Heart with Kundalini Yoga./ There are charts about working with
> the chakras and a lot of explanation. This will promote your spiritual
> well-being. available on
> >
> >
> > I hold the 5 min poses for 3 and the 11 min for 7 (I have RA
> >
> * please remind us what is RA. Reumetoid arthritis?
> >
> > and I am much improved - almost 85% back to normal in the one year and
> > six months I have been doing KY but...)
> > I do feel a difference in my body (I'm not referring here to my
> > physical mobility which is now great!) and in the way I handle things
> > that have come up in my day to day life - but if there is a different
> > route I should go to unblock I would like to know
> >
> > I have also been doing the first three pages of 'Gururattan Complete
> > Warm-ups & Prep for Meditation' (1 min ea) before the above mentioned
> > kriya along with a few other exercises/poses like frog pose (I start
> > my practice w/26 then move into my warmups) and Pavan Sodhung
> > Kriya(3-5min at the end of my warmups), triangle (3min), reverse wheel
> > (1min)
> > before moving into the above Kriya
> >
> * Great warmups, which is really a whole set.
> >
> >
> > I have also been chanting the Mul Mantra at the end of my sadhana and
> > doing Grace of God kriya after the warm ups since March.
> >
> * Great choices. The main thing now is paying attention to the effects,
> and for that you will get information in /The Inner Art of Love./
> >
> >
> > I have no doubt that I my condition will continue to improve and that
> > I will go into remission - my concern now is for my spiritual well
> > being and I want to make sure I am on the right track for opening my
> > chakras
> >
> * time for inner awareness training.
> Many blessings,
> Guru Rattana :+)
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:
KUNDALINI YOGA is brought to you by Yoga Technology - Make your first stop for all your Kundalini Yoga reading, viewing and listening materials. Now with FREE US Shipping!

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Re: [Kundalini Yoga] suggestions to treat loss of libido due to psychoactive drug use?


thank you for this. I will pass it along.

--- In, "ramneetfl" <nrross1265@...> wrote:
> Would you like one more suggestion? Add 2 basic hatha poses to your warm-ups. Paschomittanasana (forward bend) and locust are POWERFULLY rejuvenating to your sex life and creative energy!
> For the forward bend,on your back with your feet together and flexed, arms over your head, inhale, and then exhale slowly as you bring the arms forward. When they touch your thighs, begin rolling up the vertabrae slowly. If you can reach your toes, hold your feet, otherwise just go as far as you can while keeping your knees straight, feet flexed, and back straight not rounded. Hold mulbandh and do long deep breathing. Unwind in reverse, inhaling, arms don't go over your head until your head is on the floor. Repeat 2 more times, hold the longest on the 3rd repetition. Then, critical for the full benefit, is to rest for 2-5 minutes to let your energy blossom and enjoy the spreading warmth, usually up to your adrenal area.
> For locust, I would first do some quick half locusts- ball up your fists while on your stomach, put them underneath you where the thighs meet the hips to support your lower back, and alternately lift your straight legs in a flutter kick, matching your breath(like a slow breath of fire). You can do this 26-54 times. Then inhale and lift both legs together and hold, working up your time to 1- 3 minutes. Long deep breathing is fine until it becomes easy, then breadth of fire can be used. If you can't hold it very long and are eager to progress, you can certainly repeat it a couple more times. Again, rest after you lower your feet and savor the sensations. This one produces hotter, more yang-like energy and more quickly. Most people are very weak on this one to begin with and just to tense the muscles of your butt and below your waist may be it for a while before the feet are able to leave the ground.
> If you conclude your yoga session with sat kriya to spread all this energy throughout your being, you will be one fantastically alive creative being!

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KUNDALINI YOGA is brought to you by Yoga Technology - Make your first stop for all your Kundalini Yoga reading, viewing and listening materials. Now with FREE US Shipping!

GURU RATTANA ONLINE - NEW Ground-Breaking Streaming Video Subscription Service - learn with Guru Rattana in the privacy and comfort of your own home. More details from




Tuesday, July 24, 2012

[Kundalini Yoga] Opening Chakra or Balancing Chakras


Sat Nam
I have been doing the 'Kriya for Balancing the Chakras & Corresponding Organs' since March every day - August first is the end of another forty days - before I continue another forty I have this question...

Should I be doing a different kriya to unblock my chakras? Or will the kriya I have been doing open and then balance my chakras?

I hold the 5 min poses for 3 and the 11 min for 7 (I have RA and I am much improved - almost 85% back to normal in the one year and six months I have been doing KY but...)
I do feel a difference in my body (I'm not referring here to my physical mobility which is now great!) and in the way I handle things that have come up in my day to day life - but if there is a different route I should go to unblock I would like to know

I have also been doing the first three pages of 'Gururattan Complete Warm-ups & Prep for Meditation' (1 min ea) before the above mentioned kriya along with a few other exercises/poses like frog pose (I start my practice w/26 then move into my warmups) and Pavan Sodhung Kriya(3-5min at the end of my warmups), triangle (3min), reverse wheel (1min)
before moving into the above Kriya

I have also been chanting the Mul Mantra at the end of my sadhana and doing Grace of God kriya after the warm ups since March.

I have no doubt that I my condition will continue to improve and that I will go into remission - my concern now is for my spiritual well being and I want to make sure I am on the right track for opening my chakras

Any suggestions would be appreciated
Infinite Blessings

Recent Activity:
KUNDALINI YOGA is brought to you by Yoga Technology - Make your first stop for all your Kundalini Yoga reading, viewing and listening materials. Now with FREE US Shipping!

GURU RATTANA ONLINE - NEW Ground-Breaking Streaming Video Subscription Service - learn with Guru Rattana in the privacy and comfort of your own home. More details from




[Kundalini Yoga] Do every day by Yogi Bhajan


Dear Friends,

Sat Nam!

Years a go someone calculated that it would take 26 hours to do what
Yogi Bhajan told us to do every day. More recently I heard 48 hours.
And someone has suggested it would take 72 hours.

Has anyone made a list over the years or have information on what is
contained in this 'must do list'?


Guru Rattana :+)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:
KUNDALINI YOGA is brought to you by Yoga Technology - Make your first stop for all your Kundalini Yoga reading, viewing and listening materials. Now with FREE US Shipping!

GURU RATTANA ONLINE - NEW Ground-Breaking Streaming Video Subscription Service - learn with Guru Rattana in the privacy and comfort of your own home. More details from




Thursday, July 19, 2012

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] suggestions to treat loss of libido due to psychoactive drug use?


Would you like one more suggestion? Add 2 basic hatha poses to your warm-ups. Paschomittanasana (forward bend) and locust are POWERFULLY rejuvenating to your sex life and creative energy!
For the forward bend,on your back with your feet together and flexed, arms over your head, inhale, and then exhale slowly as you bring the arms forward. When they touch your thighs, begin rolling up the vertabrae slowly. If you can reach your toes, hold your feet, otherwise just go as far as you can while keeping your knees straight, feet flexed, and back straight not rounded. Hold mulbandh and do long deep breathing. Unwind in reverse, inhaling, arms don't go over your head until your head is on the floor. Repeat 2 more times, hold the longest on the 3rd repetition. Then, critical for the full benefit, is to rest for 2-5 minutes to let your energy blossom and enjoy the spreading warmth, usually up to your adrenal area.
For locust, I would first do some quick half locusts- ball up your fists while on your stomach, put them underneath you where the thighs meet the hips to support your lower back, and alternately lift your straight legs in a flutter kick, matching your breath(like a slow breath of fire). You can do this 26-54 times. Then inhale and lift both legs together and hold, working up your time to 1- 3 minutes. Long deep breathing is fine until it becomes easy, then breadth of fire can be used. If you can't hold it very long and are eager to progress, you can certainly repeat it a couple more times. Again, rest after you lower your feet and savor the sensations. This one produces hotter, more yang-like energy and more quickly. Most people are very weak on this one to begin with and just to tense the muscles of your butt and below your waist may be it for a while before the feet are able to leave the ground.
If you conclude your yoga session with sat kriya to spread all this energy throughout your being, you will be one fantastically alive creative being!

Recent Activity:
KUNDALINI YOGA is brought to you by Yoga Technology - Make your first stop for all your Kundalini Yoga reading, viewing and listening materials. Now with FREE US Shipping!

GURU RATTANA ONLINE - NEW Ground-Breaking Streaming Video Subscription Service - learn with Guru Rattana in the privacy and comfort of your own home. More details from




Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] suggestions to treat loss of libido due to psychoactive drug use?


Thank you!
That is what I thot too.

Paxil was originally prescribed for depression and anxiety. But in the way of the pharmaceutical industry, it is now prescribed for things like IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), agoraphobia, bi-polar disorder...
There is no evidence that Paxil is good for anything, and incontrovertible evidence of the bad results. Another one of which is birth defects, so women who are on it, try to get off it before they become pregnant. But it is not easy.

--- In, Guru Rattana <gururattan@...> wrote:
> Sat Nam
> The answer is simple. Do Kundalini Yoga!! Sat Kriya, chair pose, sets
> for potency and raising the kundalini in Sexuality and Spirituality,
> root lock. Long Ek ong kars.
> No discussion is needed, only daily practice, one hour a day. Also
> massage just above pubic bone to stimulate prostrate.
> BTW, what is Paxil given for?
> Blessings,
> Guru Rattana :+)
> On 7/15/2012 7:23 AM, rasheedaas wrote:
> >
> > Sat nam,
> > I am on a forum called Paxil Progress for people who coming off of
> > their addiction to the psychoactive drug Paxil. There are many posts
> > by young men in their 20's who even after 3-4 years off of Paxil,
> > still have not regained their sex drive. Some are so distraught they
> > are considering suicide.
> > I am wondering if there are any yoga doctors or books that deal with
> > this from a holistic standpoint. I am familiar with Dr. Davd
> > Shannahoff Khalsa's work on addiction, don't know if he addresses the
> > libido problem.
> > Or any Kundalini yoga sets that would help.
> >
> > thank you,
> > Kartar Kaur
> >
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:
KUNDALINI YOGA is brought to you by Yoga Technology - Make your first stop for all your Kundalini Yoga reading, viewing and listening materials. Now with FREE US Shipping!

GURU RATTANA ONLINE - NEW Ground-Breaking Streaming Video Subscription Service - learn with Guru Rattana in the privacy and comfort of your own home. More details from




Sunday, July 15, 2012

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] suggestions to treat loss of libido due to psychoactive drug use?


Sat Nam

The answer is simple. Do Kundalini Yoga!! Sat Kriya, chair pose, sets
for potency and raising the kundalini in Sexuality and Spirituality,
root lock. Long Ek ong kars.
No discussion is needed, only daily practice, one hour a day. Also
massage just above pubic bone to stimulate prostrate.

BTW, what is Paxil given for?


Guru Rattana :+)

On 7/15/2012 7:23 AM, rasheedaas wrote:
> Sat nam,
> I am on a forum called Paxil Progress for people who coming off of
> their addiction to the psychoactive drug Paxil. There are many posts
> by young men in their 20's who even after 3-4 years off of Paxil,
> still have not regained their sex drive. Some are so distraught they
> are considering suicide.
> I am wondering if there are any yoga doctors or books that deal with
> this from a holistic standpoint. I am familiar with Dr. Davd
> Shannahoff Khalsa's work on addiction, don't know if he addresses the
> libido problem.
> Or any Kundalini yoga sets that would help.
> thank you,
> Kartar Kaur

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Recent Activity:
KUNDALINI YOGA is brought to you by Yoga Technology - Make your first stop for all your Kundalini Yoga reading, viewing and listening materials. Now with FREE US Shipping!

GURU RATTANA ONLINE - NEW Ground-Breaking Streaming Video Subscription Service - learn with Guru Rattana in the privacy and comfort of your own home. More details from




[Kundalini Yoga] suggestions to treat loss of libido due to psychoactive drug use?


Sat nam,
I am on a forum called Paxil Progress for people who coming off of their addiction to the psychoactive drug Paxil. There are many posts by young men in their 20's who even after 3-4 years off of Paxil, still have not regained their sex drive. Some are so distraught they are considering suicide.
I am wondering if there are any yoga doctors or books that deal with this from a holistic standpoint. I am familiar with Dr. Davd Shannahoff Khalsa's work on addiction, don't know if he addresses the libido problem.
Or any Kundalini yoga sets that would help.

thank you,
Kartar Kaur

Recent Activity:
KUNDALINI YOGA is brought to you by Yoga Technology - Make your first stop for all your Kundalini Yoga reading, viewing and listening materials. Now with FREE US Shipping!

GURU RATTANA ONLINE - NEW Ground-Breaking Streaming Video Subscription Service - learn with Guru Rattana in the privacy and comfort of your own home. More details from




Wednesday, July 11, 2012

[Kundalini Yoga] Kriya for Regeneration


Has anybody here tried this set? It's in Guru Rattana's new book ("The Inner Art of Love", fab by the way) as well as "Relax and Renew". There's not a lot said about it, but WOW, highly recommend! And I only did 2 minutes of each exercise instead of 7 repeated 3X. I must really need some regeneration....

Recent Activity:
KUNDALINI YOGA is brought to you by Yoga Technology - Make your first stop for all your Kundalini Yoga reading, viewing and listening materials. Now with FREE US Shipping!

GURU RATTANA ONLINE - NEW Ground-Breaking Streaming Video Subscription Service - learn with Guru Rattana in the privacy and comfort of your own home. More details from


